Sunday, August 15, 2010

Mars time

I feel drained.

I woke up with the notion that I would give my take on the "reptilians."  From what I've read, the idea is that many of our media personalities and politicians are actually lizard-type aliens that have holographic projectors that make them look human, but sometimes, on television, their projectors mess up and reveal their slit eyes, forked tongues and scaly skin.  Somewhat fun to believe, I tried to do some cursory research on the subject this morning, but became bogged down by the mind-boggling list of conspiracy theories at the David Icke website.  Did you know it was actually a metal ball that hit the second tower on 9/11.  I sure didn't.

So I shrugged it off, and went about my day, deciding to choose another topic.  Somehow I ended  up watching a video about people remote-viewing life on mars, and that led me to an article that, in the end, was ten times more mind-boggling than David Icke's conspiracy theories.

Here is the link.
Updated Link (2018)

Measured by a word count, it's a long article.  Measured in mental energy units used to read it, it's a tome.  As a skeptic, I feel well-read when it comes to fringe beliefs, and reading something like this just goes to show me how little I know.  Every couple of paragraphs, this article (it is an article, not a blog or a "truth pillar" like Time Cube) punched me in the brain.  A person sitting on the couch nearby asked me why I kept saying, "What?"

It's the story of our human bases on Mars, and the people that are employed to work there.  There is a lot of information there, and I don't expect most people to read the entire thing.  I'm going to paste some of my "what" moments, so that you can at least get the feel for what I went through reading this.

"Mr. Basiago, 48... was a child participant in the DARPA time travel program Project Pegasus (1968-72) and later teleported to a U.S. base on Mars twice in 1981"

"...called for a Congressional investigation of the U.S. presence on Mars, with its emphasis on military occupation rather than diplomatic engagement of the indigenous human society living in underground cities beneath the surface of Mars."

"...he walked on the surface of the Martian terrain after teleporting there from a CIA facility in El Segundo, California."

"...the abuse of quantum access technologies and other covert methods to identify potential colonists..."

"Arthur Neumann, who has stated publicly that he has teleported to the secret Mars colony for project meetings."

"In 1996 (Mars time), Mr. Relfe was time-traveled via teleportation and age-regressed 20 years, landing back at a U.S. military base in 1976 (Earth time)."

"Michael Relfe: Yes, some are stationed there. I remember the Grays as doctors or technicians. I believe the Reptilians stay camouflaged (cloaked) most of the time." [note: Hey, I ended up posting something about reptilians, anyway!]

"Mr. Basiago states that he was first teleported to Mars in July 1981 from a CIA facility in El Segundo, California.  He went via “jump room”..."

" to intelligent Martian life both on and under the surface of Mars, it seems to me, is highly credible."

"...recruiting her because of her social identity as an Eisenhower and spiritual identity as a divine feminine “Sophia.”"

"Agent X’s associates may have used time travel or looking glass technology to pre-identify Ms. Eisenhower as a target for recruitment..."

"To me the most telling song beyond what my 'Patrons' have told me is that the Looking Glass Project has never ever been able to look into the future beyond 2012.""

So, there it is.  A belief system that includes a cornucopia of paranormal things, including things that I didn't know anyone believed in.  Teleportation, for example.

So, assuming that this is not true (this is my assumption) I wonder how such a complex set of beliefs can arise.  When it comes to belief, there are levels.  You can't believe in aliens implanting people unless you believe in aliens.  You can't believe in automatic transmission unless you believe in automobiles.  Sometimes we're confronted with beliefs that are many many levels deep, beneath something that we don't believe in to begin with.  Often, the deeper you go through the layers, the less public the belief, and the smaller the group of people that discuss it.  Most of us have heard of out-of-body experience, but not as many of us have heard of the silver cord.  Even fewer have heard of the mental body (as opposed to the ethereal body, I think).  I'm not an expert, myself.

Now, it's a fallacy that something is false just because it is outrageous.  The distance between our experience and the truth can be very great.  But, at the same time, if you believe in something that isn't backed by evidence or experience, then there's nothing to say that your belief looks anything like objective reality.  Even if it is incomplete, there's only one physics, and it doesn't change from person to person.  With all of the contradictory beliefs, some of them, of course, have to be false.

I would like to hear a debate between the people that think humans can teleport to Mars, and the people that think we've never been to the moon.  I may bring popcorn.

1 comment:

  1. Strange stuff, but you do need to be extremely careful when classifying unorthodox beliefs and views.

    I personally think most Moon landing photography is faked. I also think we landed on the Moon. This is to me in no way different from the fake version of most military operations and "wars" foisted on the Western public by the media and its controllers, when compared to the reality of the military operations as experienced by people on the ground.

    In that context, the whole complex set of stories such as that you have described - mars bases et al - is nothing more than some second year intelligence officer's homework. It's common to create self perpetuating myths as part of various intel operations and it is extremely useful.

    I guess what I'm saying is, don't be too quick to see such outre beliefs as spontaneous outpourings when they are, 9 times out of 10 or more, deliberate acts of psychological warfare.

    Likewise the media version of a battle and the real battle. Sometimes you can't even trust the media to tell you who won, or who the sides even are: Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Syria, Lybia, Egypt, Yemen...
